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Best Practices for Better Sleep

Written by RC Williams — February 13, 2021

Best Practices for Better Sleep

Most people realize the value of a good night’s sleep. In general, we know it feels good when we sleep well, and we feel a bit sluggish when we don’t. For those who fail to experience quality sleep on a regular basis, troubleshooting the issue can feel daunting and complicated. As soon as you realize you have trouble sleeping, it becomes another nagging thought running through your head as you squeeze your eyes shut, hoping to drift away into a restful night’s sleep. That added pressure can cause more harm than good!

If you want to properly tackle those sleepless nights and get on the road to more energetic, productive days, you may want to start by implementing a few small changes in your daily habits. Learning some of the most effective practices for a rejuvenating night’s sleep can make a world of difference to your life by encouraging your mind and body to truly relax and recharge.

Depending on who you ask or which phrase you type into your web search, you are likely to find dozens of sleep-improving recommendations. Some of them may be old wives-tales, and some may sound a bit outrageous. To save you the trouble of sifting through the internet search results, here are a few tried-and-true practices that will positively influence your ability to achieve a restful night’s sleep on a regular basis: 

  • Cut back on your screen time.  As much as it hurts to read, it’s true. The blue lights from your cell phone, computer, tablet, and even TV can actually negatively influence how you sleep. Because the brain interprets the blue light as daylight, it suppresses the body’s natural production of melatonin. Melatonin is extremely helpful in falling asleep and staying asleep, as the hormone is vital in managing your circadian rhythm. 
  • How to easily implement this change:  A couple of hours before your normal bedtime, try to put your phone on the charger and forget about it for the night. Instead of streaming your favorite TV show or browsing the internet, lower the lights and read a book, avoiding screens. 
  •  Limit your caffeine intake, especially later in the day.  Coffee lovers – this one is tough. Putting down that warm, aromatic pick-me-up in the afternoon may be difficult, but you will be doing your entire body a favor. Studies have shown that caffeine can have long-lasting effects on the body’s ability to wind down, and reducing your caffeine intake (or limiting it to earlier in the day) can drastically improve your ability to relax at night. Even if you don’t feel jitters from excessive caffeine, it could be working against your sleep goals.  
  • How to easily implement this change:  While slightly less popular than it’s caffeine-packed counterparts, caffeine-free soda and decaffeinated coffee are excellent alternatives to try. If you always reach for a coffee or soda in the afternoon or with dinner, swap it out for a decaf or a sparkling water. It may not be as delicious initially, but the impact it will have on your nightly routine will more than make up for it.
  • Try following a more intentional sleep schedule. Sometimes easier said than done, a strict schedule can actually work wonders on the body and mind. After all, we are creatures of habit, and implementing a consistent schedule can help train our bodies to be more responsive to all of the changes our typical day entails.
  • How to easily implement this change:  Of course, this solution will primarily work for individuals with schedules allowing such a rigid structure. If you are sometimes forced to work late or are occasionally scheduled for unusually early meetings, this may be a more difficult solution. However, whenever possible, simply choose a “regular” time to wake up and go to sleep, and put effort into following that schedule. Creating this habit with intention and following through with it will help train your mind and body, encouraging a more predictable, restful night’s sleep.
  • Add a melatonin supplement into your routine.  Melatonin, a naturally occurring hormone produced by the body, plays an important role in achieving a deep, recharging night’s sleep. Most of us produce melatonin naturally. However, some individuals may produce less of it for a variety of reasons. Aging, personal stressors, smoking, too much blue light at night, and unpredictable or inconsistent schedules are just a few. 
  • How to easily implement this change:  There are numerous products on the market containing melatonin, so find a trustworthy company offering pure ingredients in a supplement and follow the recommended dosage instructions. Many reputable CBD companies have begun offering CBD supplements containing melatonin, providing consumers with the sleep-encouraging properties of melatonin plus to the numerous additional benefits of CBD.

CBD: How the New “Wonder-Supplement” Encourages Quality Sleep

Out of all the helpful, sleep-encouraging practices listed above, the newest and most interesting is the incorporation of CBD products. In general, CBD, short for cannabidiol, is known for its helpful properties, influencing everything from physical to emotional fatigue, soothing bothersome muscles, and aiding consumers with relaxation. On its own, a pure, premium grade CBD product may positively impact one’s ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. Supplements designed to primarily impact sleep, like Rejuvia’s CBD Softgels with Melatonin, work to combine two high-quality ingredients for a more effective product for those seeking sleep support. 

When shopping for a CBD product you plan to incorporate into your health routine, it is important to choose a trustworthy company.  At Rejuvia™, we earn our customers’ trust and loyalty on a regular basis because our customers are our priority. We ensure that all of our Premium Grade, organically-grown CBD products are of the purest quality, free of unwanted ingredients and chemicals. Additionally, every one of our products is considered “broad-spectrum,” meaning they are completely THC-free. So customers can rest assured that they won’t experience any psychoactive side effects when using our fast-acting, effective CBD products. 

Rejuvia™ offers our customers multiple, first-rate CBD products from original CBD softgels and easy-to-use CBD tinctures, to CBD body balms and creams. We also offer personalized customer support that you can count on.  

So, as you implement one or all of these recommendations to encourage a more sound, restful night’s sleep, feel free to reach out to us if you have any specific questions or need product recommendations that may also help you in your sleep journey. We are invested in you and your well-being, and we look forward to partnering with you to ensure that peaceful, restorative sleep is in your future.