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How to Stay Productive While WFH

Written by RC Williams — February 16, 2021

How to Stay Productive While WFH

Because only a small fraction of the population regularly works from home, most people may feel somewhat of a “culture shock” when world events make remote work their new normal. Without the usual daily routine in place, it’s easy to feel a lack of motivation. It can also feel difficult to switch into “work mode” in your home – the place you typically go to separate your mind from work-related thoughts and tasks. 

While this transition may be challenging to adapt to at first, it can actually be surprisingly easy to stay productive with just a few intentional daily behaviors. We have compiled some tried-and-true strategies to stay productive while working from home from individuals who do so regularly, and we hope these tips can help you feel more at ease while working remotely.

1. Have a designated space exclusively for work

When we think of the benefits of working from home, one may believe it sounds comfortable and relaxing to work from the couch or bed. Because laptops are so portable, you can bring one just about anywhere to complete your daily tasks. On the surface, that sounds convenient, however, it easily blurs the line between “home” and “work,” and individuals are prone to being less effective in their work. 

To set yourself up for success and to limit distractions, choose one place in your home as your designated work space, and make it a habit to work from that spot. If you have an office in your home, this may be easy for you. For those with limited space, simply choose a specific chair and spot with a desk or table. This small gesture will help create a habit pattern in your mind and reduce your distractions as you focus solely on work when you are in your “work space.”

2. Create a structured schedule

Working from home doesn’t have to feel unstructured and disorganized. During your normal workweek, it is helpful to create a schedule that you follow. Your schedule doesn’t have to be too elaborate or complex; it is simply to provide structure and productivity to your day, reducing the risk of feeling like “time is flying by” without much to show for it. A structured schedule can also help you remember to do things you may overlook while at home, like taking a lunch break or logging off by 5, or whenever your workday would typically end. You can write a schedule on a piece of paper, a chalkboard or whiteboard, or even a sticky note. 

Here’s just one example of an effective daily schedule: 

  • 7:15 a.m. - Breakfast
  • 8:00 a.m. - Log into work
    • Check emails
    • Check voicemails
    • Address time-sensitive tasks
  • 10:00-10:15 a.m.  - Take a short break
    • Stretch
    • Drink water
    • Have a healthy snack
  • 12:00 p.m. - Lunch 
  • 3:00 p.m.-3:15 p.m. - Take a short break 
    • Walk outside if possible
    • Drink water
    • Listen to a song you enjoy
  • 5:00 p.m. - Log out of work and leave your designated workspace
    • If possible, do not engage with work until the next morning

When your work is complete for the day, consider a short workout to get the blood flowing and to renew your energy. 

3. Maintain normalcy as much as possible

When the line blurs between work and home, it’s easy to change your daily norms and fall into a pattern of limited activity. Over the long term, this habit can be detrimental to your mental health and your overall productivity. Even though you may not leave your house, it is still important to maintain all aspects of self-care. Each day, you should make a habit of doing all of the following:

  • Maintain all typical hygiene practices. This includes showering and brushing your teeth.
  • Get dressed. Avoid wearing pajamas or “comfortable clothes” all day.
  • Limit excessive snacking and try not to overeat. Having your refrigerator and pantry within walking distance can be tempting, so it’s important to only snack when hungry and to eat meals on a normal schedule.
  • Take time to exercise. Whether you choose to stream a fitness video and follow along, or go for a walk around the block, maintaining physical activity is important for your physical and mental health.
  • Go outside for fresh air. After many hours of being inside, it can feel claustrophobic. Take a few moments a few times per day to feel the sunlight on your skin and breathe in the fresh air. If the weather allows for it, open a window to bring fresh air and light into your home as well.
  • Limit excessive exposure to electronics unrelated to work. Too much idle screen time is one of the fastest ways to stunt productivity and generally waste your time. 

3. Stay healthy, hydrated, and nourished

The days can begin to feel like they are running together when you are spending most of them under the same roof without much variation. In addition to following the above recommendations, it’s important to acknowledge that you may struggle to be productive if you don’t feel well. In order to encourage your optimal physical and emotional health, you should prioritize your well-being by staying hydrated, eating well, and taking all-natural health and wellness products to maintain your peace of mind, clarity, and immunity.

In recent years, many people have turned to the so-called “wonder-supplement” CBD, short for cannabidiol, as an all-natural way to support their wellness and vitality. Easily incorporated into one’s daily routine, this non-addictive, hemp-derived compound offers consumers a safe, versatile option to support general wellness, head to toe. 

There are numerous ways to incorporate high-quality CBD into your daily routine for a much-needed boost. For example:

Take an antioxidant-packed CBD softgel alongside your breakfast. Softgels offer long-lasting support as you begin to tackle the tasks of the day. 

Make a CBD Latte. Most people enjoy coffee as part of their routine, and adding CBD can offer an additional element of clarity and overall balance to your morning brew.

Use a CBD-infused balm or lotion to nourish and revitalize your skin while also offering topical support and comfort to your muscles and joints.

Try adding a CBD softgel containing melatonin to your nighttime routine to encourage a restful night’s sleep. Deep, recharging sleep can make you feel revitalized when you rise in the morning. 

If you are eager to experience the numerous benefits of CBD, visit Rejuvia to shop online for the highest quality, organically-grown, Premium Grade CBD products on the market. At Rejuvia, our founders have a combined 50+ years of experience in the medical field, and every single carefully-crafted CBD product in our inventory reflects our dedication to delivering safe, industry-leading CBD to fit your lifestyle. We have earned the reputation as one of the nation’s top CBD providers because we prioritize our customers and their well-being. To us, our customers are like family, and our family deserves the very best we have to offer. 

Stay Well - Mind and Body

In these uncertain times, we all want to feel hope that everything will be okay. We want our loved ones safe and well, and we want to be healthy. For many, it is truly a privilege to be able to continue providing for our families the best we can, even if it’s from home. 

We encourage you to do everything you can to keep your mind and body healthy. Our above suggestions can help boost your motivation, your productivity, and frankly, your self-esteem as you tread unfamiliar territory in your new normal work routine. At Rejuvia, we support you and your wellness journey, and we’re here for you. Shoot us an email at if you have questions or would like personalized CBD product recommendations. We look forward to hearing from you!